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Terravita Agronomy


I’d like to briefly cover several topics in this post. If you see a topic that interests you please feel free to scroll directly to it! Topics I will be covering today are:

· Spray out/ transition

· Driving range floor condition

· Why is the course closed on Mondays?

· Condition of greenside bunkers

Spray out and Transition:

We spent June 1,2, and 3 applying an herbicide to the golf course that kills all cool season grass (ryegrass, poa annua, etc.) but leaves the bermudagrass unscathed. This is an important piece to the transition puzzle. Without it, rye grass and poa have the potential to stay alive all summer, competing with the bermudagrass. Year after year, your bermudagrass stand gets weaker and weaker which ultimately affects the following year’s overseed. “Why does this affect the overseed?” you may ask. Well, bermudagrass does any excellent job protecting ryegrass seed, and when it’s thin, you lose that protection. Overall transition is going well. It could always be better, of course, but all things considered, our current bermudagrass base is quite strong. Regular fertility, traffic management, and efficient irrigation help the grow-in process.

Driving range floor condition:

With high temps and no rain in the forecast, sometimes we have to cut back water to stay within budget. Because the driving range floor is purely aesthetic, and doesn’t need to be a consistent playing surface, it is often the first area water is cut from. We are currently in the process on under watering the driving range floor, in order to reallocate that water to the golf course itself. As monsoon season approaches, we will be able to rely on humidity and a little rain (fingers crossed) to get us through the rest of summer!

Monday closures:

I’ve had some people ask why we are closed Mondays and, if it really is necessary. Necessary? Maybe not. Extremely helpful? Absolutely! With the entire golf course to ourselves we are able to do projects that we would otherwise be unable. Fertilizing, herbicide applications, irrigation adjustments, mowing, noisy desert clean up are all things we would be unable to do as effectively or efficiently if the course was open.

Greenside bunkers:

I understand everyone’s frustration with the greenside bunkers, and I wish we were able to make significant improvements to their condition. Unfortunately, the sand is old, weathered, and contaminated. Drainage in many is quite compromised, and several greens surface drain into the bunkers. That being said, this month we have begun tilling the bunkers to try to give some life back to them. This process is complicated, as it’s very important not to till the dirt below the sand. This process is slow, and it’s not a magic bullet, but I think it’s proven to be relatively successful. The crew has completed holes 1-14, and will have the remaining holes complete by the end of next week. Additionally, the crew is picking out rocks and other contaminates as they go along.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me via email or directly here on the blog! I hope you all are staying cool this summer!


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Terravita Agronomy
Aug 03, 2020

Mr. Rank,

Expect some improvements to the north practice bunker in the next week or so! I appreciate the feedback!


Mike Rank
Mike Rank
Aug 02, 2020

Maddy, thanks for the blog updates, I find them informative and educational! I'd like to make one request: Can we fix the practice bunker adjacent to the 1st tee? It is currently more *rocks* than sand and is ruining wedges. Many players like to hit 3-5 bunker shots prior to teeing off to get a feel for the sand, and driving down to the south practice area isn't practical (especially for us walkers) prior to teeing off. Any improvement would be appreciated!

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