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Terravita Agronomy

Fairy Ring???

I've heard many comments, concerns, and questions surrounding #4 and the fairy ring. Fortunately, I'm hear bearing good news! We have no Fairy Ring on the golf course, and I am still confident that the amendments and rectifications we did during the construction project have eliminated nearly all the environmental factors that causes Fairy Ring.

So, what are we seeing on #4??? There are two different things giving us a "ring" appearance. The smaller rings, 1-2 feet in diameter, are a different, but much less scary pathogen called Brown Patch. Brown Patch develops during long wet periods, when the plant is unable to completely dry down. Overseed is the one time of year for us that happens, and while we do our best to pull back water prior to any disease activity, sometimes it's inevitable. The disease is no longer active and will not be a perennial problem. The 2 larger half rings on the right side of the fairway/approach area is the product of fertilizer burn. The was the outcome of a fertilizer spreader jamming up, putting out a brief but inconsistent fertilizer pattern, burning the rye grass.

While neither of these two factors are ideal, they are certainly better than a soil born Fairy Ring. Brown patch is a foliar pathogen, meaning it lives on the plant itself. Once you kill it, it's done. Both of these scars to the golf course will heal overtime and are not cause for long term concern!

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Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter
Nov 22, 2022

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Terravita Agronomy
Nov 23, 2022
Replying to

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