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Terravita Agronomy

Overseed 2024

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Overseed is right around the corner, and our 70,000 lbs of seed was delivered today! We will begin dropping seed on Monday, 9/30. After a successful summer transition, we are feeling confident as we head into seeding. A few things left to check off the todo list are:

  1. Spot treatment of areas most susceptible to disease with fungicide and wetting agent.

  2. Application of a growth regulator to slow down the growth of the bermudagrass. This gives the rye grass a competitive advantage going into overseed.

  3. Application of an herbicide that limits the amount of poa annua that germinates during the overseed grow in.

  4. Complete 2 more green's verticut and topdressing.

  5. Calibrate seed spreaders to account for this year's seed size.

  6. Create overseed irrigation programs in the central irrigation control.

With overseed comes cooler temperatures; which I think we are all looking forward to! Don't forget to check out the Meet The Instructors event on 10/28 and we'll see you for opening day on 10/29!

Almost there!


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