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Terravita Agronomy

Spring Is Trying To Spring

While the official start to Spring isn't until mid March, the desert seems to have a knack for teasing us with some warm weather before turning back to cold. After several days in the high 70s, the golf course has got some of its life back. We're seeing clippings for the first time since early December, and the rye grass's color is turning to a deeper green. The dormant Bermuda grass is even showing some activity, as you'll notice the driving range floor beginning to green back up. With all of this said, the desert can givith and the desert and can taketh away... so we are prepared for the next several days to be without sun or warmth. Since January 22nd  our new sprayer hasn't been parked for more than a few hours each night. Because of this, we are finally caught up on lost fertility from our sprayer issues in early January. This should allow the ryegrass to "power through" this last little cold spell. That said, over the next several days, it should be expected that we take a slight step backward, before taking another giant leap forward. Historically, Phoenix Open weekend is always our unofficial start to peak season, and it appears that this year will be no different.

Enjoy the rain, but pray for warmth, and have fun at the Open!

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