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Terravita Agronomy

# 8 Desert Clean Up Update

The #8 desert clean up project has begun. This is obviously not our first hole of desert clean up, but it is the first hole I had the foresight to take "before" photos! While much work is left to be done on this hole, I wanted to post a few "before" and "in progress" photos. Stay tuned for the "finished" photos in the coming weeks!!!





Because these deserts have suffered neglect for several years, often times the product looks worse before it gets better. Our goal with clean up is to "hit the reset button". Removing invasive plants, removing suffocated, crowded, and diseased native plants, spraying out weeds and reestablishing a boundary between the deserts and the turf is all apart of the process. Over time, the deserts will begin to look more natural, while still being maintained. Once #8 is completed, our list goes to the right side of #5, the right side of #13, and behind on the green on #14. Stay tuned!!!


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1 Comment

Jan 28, 2020

Wow, looks great and playability all around is much improved.

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