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Terravita Agronomy

Cart Path Only

When determining the ideal time to let carts off the path there are several factors we have to weigh:

  • Grass coverage

  • Grass density

  • Frost forecast

  • Amount of potential traffic

  • Bermudagrass density below the ryegrass

  • Member experience

  • Pace of play

So far, we are feeling good about our grass density and coverage, the frost forecast, and the bermudagrass density below; these things will give us a fighting chance against the amount of traffic it will need to withstand this season. That said, we have a long season ahead, likely with many days of frost, so the month of November is a critical time to prepare the turf for this traffic. It is not lost on us that member experience and pace of play suffers as a result of cart path only, but we believe that the long term benefits of giving the ryegrass additional time to grown uninterrupted, outweigh the negatives of the short term player inconvenience.

Over the course of the next week we will be evaluating the turf, checking forecasts, and continuing to prepare the golf course for coming off the cart paths. We plan to have an end of cart path only date published by the end of next week.

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1 Comment

ken davies
ken davies
Nov 12

Thanks Maddie for the update. The course looks great. CPO is a minor inconvenience.

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